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Showing posts from 2018

Remarkable Year 2018 for openSUSE Indonesia Community

Year 2018 is a remarkable year for the Indonesian openSUSE community. There are quite a lot of our achievements as a community that make us proud. As a long time person in this community, I feel that there are quite a lot of young people who can be role models for future generations. Even though the dominance of "you again" cannot be denied, because the same people are also activists in BlankON, LibreOfficeID, Glib, and other communities, it does not reduce my admiration for their militancy towards the spread of FOSS use in Indonesia. One of openSUSE community friend once said to me, the first step is the most difficult. When I started using Linux in 1997 no one used it at my workplace. I have been using Unix for about 2 years and it happens that many GNU software is also used on both operating systems so the commands are not so weird for me. But it is very difficult to find people to have direct discussion at that time. At present the obstacles that I felt before s...

LibreOffice Conference Indonesia 2018

In early 2018 I got a news from community that LibreOffice Indonesian Community will held a conference in Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya (EEPIS) on March 23-25, 2018. I discussed with some member of openSUSE Indonesia community and we're willing to give our hands and also to open openSUSE booth on that event. I sent the proposal to Douglas De Maio from openSUSE and he agree to give some donation for the event. On March 1st, I received some marketing material from openSUSE that we can put on our booth and distribute to the conference participant. Thanks openSUSE! LibreOffice Conference Indonesia (LOCI) 2018 is the first LibreOffice Conference in Indonesia so as a user of Libre Office  since a long time I'm so excited to attend this conference. On early morning March 23, 2018 I took the flight flying through the golden hour to Surabaya. It was still 6.00 o'clock in the morning and I'm very surprised that Darian , the local committee of...